Please click on the “Members” link in the upper right. When the page loads that says “Oops! This Content is Members Only,” you will see a link in the middle of the page that says “Register”. Click that link to create a user account. Read and follow the instructions carefully when selecting your username and password in particular.
Common solutions to registration and login challenges: 1) Check to make sure your password and username contain the necessary symbols and characters and are not similar to one another. 2) Clear the cookies from your browser history ahead of logging in if you were not successful the first time you tried. 3) When navigating away from the site, make sure to log out of your member account in order to avoid issues when returning for a future session.
If you are still having difficulties, you are welcome to contact us with questions or concerns.
Please double-check your spam/trash folders to see if the confirmation email ended up there. If you cannot find it there, you may have mistyped your email address. Please try to register again – if you receive an error indicating that you have already registered, please contact us and we will investigate.
The best way to access the prayer materials is to begin on our homepage. Click on the “Members” link in the upper right. You can then log-in, and when you see the “Welcome!” page, click the link that says “40-week prayer materials.” You will then be taken to a page with all the prayer materials arranged by week.
The best way to ensure that you receive all emails from Sacred Story Institute is to add our email addresses to your email “contacts” or address book. Please add: and to your address book.
We have also found that many people who have an “” email address have experienced difficulties receiving our emails – unfortunately, this is a problem with Comcast’s network and not something that we can address. If you are still having difficulties, or you believe there is an email that you missed, you are always welcome to contact us.
Sacred Story Institute is a Catholic/Jesuit non-profit dedicated to programs and publications that can reach the hearts of today’s Catholics. Our mission is to advance Third Millennium evangelization by helping Catholic Christians live a sacred story that reveals Christ and the Church as light for the world.
Find out more About Sacred Story Institute
Currently, the Forty Weeks to Christ with Sacred Story Prayer course is available for individual use. You are also encouraged to sign up for our newsletter to receive more information about expanded resources coming soon.
Go the top right of the gray navigation bar and click “Members.” You will be given the option to register, along with helpful resources if you are having technical issues (we recommend the video tutorial that walks through the process step-by-step.)
After you register and log in, click on “Members” again. This will take you to a welcome screen where you can click the link titled “Forty Weeks Course Materials (includes weekly E&W).” You will reach the Forty Weeks course page with the weekly resources available. Start with the “Program Introduction” link in the upper left corner of the grid, then move on to “Part 1.” The exercises are meant to be prayed with for seven days. When you reach the end of your seven-day period, move on to the next week. You will not be receiving any additional information from Sacred Story Institute, as the materials are designed to be fully accessible at all times, empowering you to proceed in your own way.
Donations are gratefully accepted both online and via physical mail. More information can be found on our Support Us page.