
Helping individuals and faith communities encounter Christ as the Divine Physician who heals us in body, mind, and spirit.

Resource Development


Sacred Story Institute is at the forefront of dynamic applications of classic Ignatian Spirituality, researching and developing a new class of Christian spiritual resources. Fr. William Watson’s research on the conversion process of St. Ignatius was informed not only by a life of study, spiritual direction and Ignatian program development, but also by research in neuroscience, medicine, and psychological theory. 

Time-Tested Program Development

Our programs allow individuals to access the “archeology of their life history” to better understand what blocks integral human and spiritual development and how to navigate a graced path forward using the tools of spiritual discernment provided to the world and the Church by God through the genius of St. Ignatius’ conversion process.

Holistic Approach

Sacred Story incorporates this integral, holistic, systems approach in the multiple programs we have created for children, young adults and adults. There are no easy fixes, and our methods for spiritual advancement do require sustained life-long work, but they are effective and bring insight, hope, peace, and interior freedom.
