A Journey of Healing and Transformation for Priests

The Forty Weeks for Priests Program:

  • Will foster a deep, personal encounter with Christ that is life-changing.
  • Will encourage and teach priests to pray daily (Ignatian Examen) and receive Reconciliation frequently.
  • Will help priests more effectively share their faith testimony in witness to the Gospel.
  • Will enable priests their people to Christ in a reconciling encounter that is both personal and transformative.
  • Used in priest faith sharing groups, it will help priests deepen their fraternity and mutual support of each other.
  • Order Forty Weeks for Priests from AMAZON today.

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A Priest’s Faith Journey

I have a profound admiration for the vocation of the diocesan parish priest. It has been described as a relentless vocation with constant demands. Yet the wellspring of any priest’s successful ministry is a deep, personal, daily relationship with Jesus Christ. It is the deeper spiritual formation that Ignatian Spirituality can so well serve priests in their ongoing formation.

We dedicate this edition of Forty Weeks to all diocesan priests who hunger for Jesus’ healing and transformative love and mercy in their daily lives. Christ shares both his priesthood and its graces with you, his brothers, as well as a special place in his Sacred Heart.

Dr. Schuchts and I pray that this spiritual resource will give you a way to nourish your soul and so increase the fruitfulness of your ministry of sharing in Jesus’ priesthood.

Bishops and Vicars for Clergy, order 50 or more books at 40% discount for your diocesan faith formation needs for priests.


I highly recommend you give it a try, and then share it with your priest support group.  It’s helping me.
Michael C. Barber, S.J., Bishop of Oakland

It is a good sign that you have picked up this book.  It means that God is moving, inspiring you to “more” in your life. 
James F. Checchio, M.B.A., J.C.D., Bishop of Metuchen

This book is an extraordinary resource for priests.
Msgr. Michael Clay, D. Min., Associate Dean of Graduate Ministerial Studies
The Catholic University of America  

Fr. Watson has provided a gift for both a new and lived encounter with the Father in the Son through the Holy Spirit, and a new way of learning our brother priests’ intimacy with God.
Fr. Paul C. Hoesing, Dean of Seminarians: Kenrick-Glennon Seminary

This book is invaluable. It teaches diocesan priests the fruitfulness of the Examen Prayer.
Rev. John Horn, S.J., Co-Founder of the Institute for Priestly Formation

This books is not a program as much as it is a school of prayer. It supports authentic renewal, offering the priest who uses it not novelty, but a profound reminder of perennial truths and the sustaining love of God as the true dynamism of ministry.
Bishop Steven J. Lopes: First Bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

A prayerful reading of FORTY WEEKS can move a priest to be motivated to daily prayer by desire rather than obligation and relationship rather than duty.
Fr. James Mason, President-Rector, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary

Pick it up today! Start reading a section right now and begin a journey that will change your life forever. 
Most Reverend George V. Murry, SJ, Bishop of Youngstown

If taken seriously, this book will transform your priestly life.
Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.  

If you want to truly know who you are as a beloved son of the Father and live that identity as God has called you as a priest of Jesus Christ, then Forty Weeks for Priests is for you. 
Fr. David Mullholland, J.D., Pastor, St. Patrick Parish, Tacoma


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