SSI Renewal Programs

SSI Renewal Programs is a subscription service offered to parishes and other groups wanting to engage SSI Examen in conjunction with a research component. SSI offers this diagnostic subscription service to help parishes and other religious groups grow in their faith as individuals and as faith communities.

It is an evangelization program to help faith communities learn a powerful daily prayer discipline that can help individuals find a personal connection to Christ in daily life. It also teaches a holistic practice of regular Sacramental Reconciliation just like SSI Examen does.

But SSI Renewal Programs has the added benefit of helping faith communities get valuable, confidential feedback that can facilitate decision pastoral planning on what new support groups, educational programs and pastoral outreach they might offer based on the concrete feedback the research shows for the group.

Just like SSI Examen, SSI Renewal Programs will last for 40 weeks and can be initiated at any time in the year to match the needs of different faith communities. This subscription service will be available soon. For more information on SSI Renewal Programs, sign up for our newsletter.
