Week #12 E&W

Forty Weeks ~ Sacred Story

Week 12 Encouragements & Wisdom

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If you prefer to read offline, you can also download: Encouragements and Wisdom for Week 12 (PDF).
E & W reflections are additional helps for your Sacred Story prayer journey. Reflect on them ahead of your prayer exercises for the week or outside of your fifteen-minute prayer windows.

The Grace of Making a Holistic Confession — Part Two

Dear Friends:

Please be encouraged by each other’s prayers in these special two weeks when we take time to bring our whole lives to Christ for this healing love.

Know that the Archbishop is also praying for you. His special letter to the Sacred Story participants is on the next page. Be comforted in his prayers and let it be an incentive for each of us to keep each other in prayers during these two weeks of healing graces.


Fr. Bill Watson, S.J.

Letter from Abp. Sartain
Dear Sacred Story Participants,

In these final weeks of the Easter Season, we become even more conscious that the ministry of the Lord Jesus is one of reconciliation — for us individually, for our Church, and for every human person made in the image of God. We know that he came that “we might have life and have it to the fullest.” We also know that he came to create the “new heavens and a new earth” through his triumph over sin, sickness, and even death itself.

What you have been doing these past 12 weeks with your Sacred Story prayer journey is opening your hearts and minds to the most profound truths of our Faith, which are also the true story of love and hope offered to all people of this and every age. My sincere congratulations for your efforts to both open yourselves to Christ and to offer your experiences to the Sacred Story Institute for the benefit of thousands of other Catholics.

Please know that in the time of your whole-life confession, each of you will have a special place in my prayers and Masses. May you encounter the Christ who told the disciples in the upper room, “Peace be with you.” This is our brother, Lord, and Savior, Jesus, who, in giving the gift of the Holy Spirit to the newborn Church, commanded his disciples to forgive sins.

You are sharing in the very center of the Christian message by offering your entire lives to the Lord for his healing, forgiveness and enlightenment. It is my sincere prayer that you experience the abundant grace of his forgiving love. May that love propel you forward in your sacred story journey so that you may bear fruit that endures to eternity.

With every best wish and prayer, I am

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. J. Peter Sartain
Archbishop of Seattle
