E&W 2-2-14

Sacred Story

Encouragements & Wisdom: February 2, 2014


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Encouragements and Wisdom: February 2, 2014 (PDF).

E & W reflections are additional helps for your Sacred Story prayer journey. Reflect on them at week’s beginning or outside of your 15-minute prayer periods.

The Affirmations

Christ, who walks before me, will always lead me home to safety.

An affirmation is something declared to be true; a positive statement or judgment. It is not an opinion. When we affirm “Christ who walks before me will always lead me home to safety,” that is a fact — a guarantee.

A close friend of mine, Wanda Spasowski, told me a story. Wanda was the wife of the Polish Ambassador to the United States under both Presidents Kennedy and Reagan. At a very difficult time in her life, she felt overwhelmed by all the events happening in her personal life and in the Polish nation. She was at the breaking point. Wanda had a deep faith and had been through many other trials. She reached out to Christ through the intercession of Our Lady of Czestochowa, patroness of Poland. She was able to get through the crisis and know that the Lord was always by her side.

Wanda’s experience is the same as mine. Never in my life have I been denied help and assistance from the Lord. No matter the trial or crisis; things always end up better than I could have ever possibly hoped for, according to the Lord’s timing. I take great comfort in this truth: that Christ, who suffered everything that we do, knows what we can and cannot endure. He will always rescue us when we call to him. He is faithful and suffered, died and rose again so we would have faith in his care. He wants us to reach out to him in every crisis and always have faith in his power to rescue us and give us a home.

Lord Jesus Christ, you walked the way of life and suffering before us so we would know we are never alone. We affirm our faith in you that you will rescue us in every crisis and difficulty and will always lead us home to safety. Increase our faith in you so that in all things, we may hope in your
Creation, Presence, Memory, Mercy and Eternity.


Lift up, O gates, your lintels;
reach up, you ancient portals,
that the king of glory may come in!

(Psalm 24: 7)


