Encouragements & Wisdom: September 1, 2013
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Encouragements and Wisdom: September 1, 2013 (PDF).
E & W reflections are additional helps for your Sacred Story prayer journey. Reflect on them at week’s beginning or outside of your 15-minute prayer periods.
The Affirmations that begin the Sacred Story prayer journey are a tremendous spiritual resource for your life. Most of them are from St. Ignatius’ discernment rules, shortened into affirmative statements. Learning their wisdom can provide hope and encouragement on your spiritual journey through this life to the eternal Kingdom. You can also avoid much suffering and grief as you learn the predictable ways evil manifests in your life history and in exterior spiritual assaults.
Because the Affirmations are so important and so beneficial to the Sacred Story prayer disciplines, we will spend these next nine months, well into the spring of 2014, awakening to their insights.
In preparation for our Affirmations journey, I invite you to prayerfully read them over this week. Remember which ones struck you immediately as important wisdom for your life. Note the ones that made no sense at the time you first read them. Ask that God’s Holy Spirit keep you open to the graced wisdom they can offer for your Sacred Story journey.
Lord Jesus, you promised to always be with each of us
and with the Church until the end of the age.
I pray that you keep me awake to the many helps you provide
to me along the journey of life, especially in the Affirmations.
May this series of lessons over the next nine months help me open more fully to
Creation, Presence, Memory, Mercy and Eternity.
(Psalm 68: 4-5)