E&W 9-29-13

Sacred Story

Encouragements & Wisdom: September 29, 2013


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Encouragements and Wisdom: September 29, 2013 (PDF).

E & W reflections are additional helps for your Sacred Story prayer journey. Reflect on them at week’s beginning or outside of your 15-minute prayer periods.

The Affirmations

God resolves all my problems with time and patience.

The enemy of human nature is fond of using our impatience to generate great worry and anxiety. When we are worried and anxious, we turn our eyes away from the Lord. We focus almost exclusively on our problems, whether they are great or small. We forget all the times the Lord has rescued us in the past. We think, “Why is this happening to me? Where is God?” The enemy’s strategy, shrewdly implemented, is to keep us focused on the difficulty of any situation, seeing only hopelessness. This strategy keeps us from turning to the Lord who, in time, rescues us. Always, always, ALWAYS, rescues us!

When you find yourself getting tied up in knots over your problems, turn to God and praise the Lord for all the times you have been rescued in the past. Thank Christ Jesus, and tell Him, “You are my Savior, you always help me. I trust you to help me resolve these problems. Please keep me patient as your grace works. Keep my heart focused on your love and fidelity. Lord I thank you for the marvelous way you will resolve this present crisis. Thank You!”

Lord Jesus, You have been our refuge from one generation to the next. You are faithful to your people and the Church. You never leave us. Make us turn to you in our trials that we may praise you forever in
Creation, Presence, Memory, Mercy and Eternity.


Be still before the LORD; wait for him.
Wait a little, and the wicked will be no more;
look for them and they will not be there.
But the poor will inherit the earth,
will delight in great prosperity.

(Psalm 113: 7-8)


