True Heart

Resource for Millenials, Gen-X, & Gen-Z

  • Understand two fundamentally different directions one’s life might take:
        1. Toward selflessness and God
        2. Toward self-centeredness and away from God
  •  Help young adults discover their “True Heart”
  • Unhook from technology & connect with God
  • Learn to discern small and big life choices
  • Discern your vocation
  • Includes practices designed for one-off studies and retreats
  • Learn to use powerful night meditations to encounter God
  • Increase understanding and belief in the Blessed Sacrament

What People Are Saying

TRUE HEART is simply extraordinary. I personally am so excited to have these for use with my Confirmation classes and in many other formation settings.

- Matt Davidson, PhD: President, Institute for Excellence & Ethics

"The Sacred Story Institute is at the leading edge of wisdom development in both children and adults."

- Michael Gurian NY Times bestselling author of The Wonder Boys and the Minds of Girls

The spirituality program Fr. Bill Watson, SJ offers in TRUE HEART invites young adults to create, sustain and live out a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ using the spiritual practices of St. Ignatius Loyola but with a modern twist.

- Andrew K. Hoelperl, Theology Dept. Chair - McQuaid Jesuit - Rochester, NY

The “’TRUE HEART’ program offers resources for young adults and their formation leaders that provide simple and practical introductions to Ignatian prayer that will help all who use them to discover the deepest desire of their hearts: ‘selflessness” and a daily living relationship with Jesus Christ.”

- Curtis Martin, Founder & CEO of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students)

I love how the book is structured and the added prayer options in the book! Good variety!

I love the weekly Night Vigils! The guided scripture readings helped me focus and reflect. 

If you're considering True Heart: JUST DO IT! It is so worth it and it doesn't have to be done perfectly the first time. The Holy Spirit will guide you!

I really enjoyed the illustrations, biographical sections, and the poetry throughout the book!

Get True Heart Here:  True Heart: A Way to Selflessness

Order Materials for Retreats, parishes, and groups:

 True Heart Practices (full color)

True Heart Practices (black and white)

For Discounted Bulk Orders Click HERE!


Put True Heart to use in your parish, young adult programs or Newman Center.

St. Ignatius Loyola awoke to his true heart at the age of thirty. He was given the grace to see how two different sets of fantasies, portraying two possible directions his life could take, were fundamentally different from each other.

The first set of fantasies he described as “vain” and were focused on his ego and achieving fame (self-centered). The second set of fantasies he described as “holy” and focused on serving Christ and doing good works (selfless).

The TRUE HEART Program is four years in the making with major beta test runs in both North and South America.

It is the best real Ignatian program for all youth and young adult programs today.


